Enabling Operational Intelligence with CapitalAI

The journey to CapitalAI – Data to AI Integration in OT

April 10, 2024

By Julian Haber

Starting a fresh venture like CapitalAI might seem unexpected, perhaps even surprising to some. Yet, the path that led us here is a logical culmination of our journey, and it is a story worth sharing. 

As many of you reading this know, Nikala Haber and my journey began at Intalock, nearly 13 years ago, diving into information management off the back of Symantec moving to a partner lead consulting model. For anyone who’s started a company for the first time, the process is frightening and exhilarating at the same time. We were incredibly lucky to have a lot of support from friends, partners and customers which enabled us to grow and mature Intalock much quicker than most others.  

A pivotal moment in our journey was in 2014, when we secured Whole of Government cyber security contracts for the G20 Summit in Brisbane. Whilst our Information Management practice was arguably one of the strongest in the country, we could see that a cyber security “tsunami” would be coming and we wanted to be one of the first to truly ride the wave. This began our very deliberate plan to become one of Australia’s premier cyber security companies, ultimately garnering numerous awards along the way. Our evolution into cyber was underpinned by a deep dive into data analytics to analyse and visualise client data for detecting security threats. This was our first step into a decade-long fascination with analytics and machine learning. 

But, like everything in life, all good things must come to an end. In late 2020 Nikala and I made the decision to sell Intalock at a time when it felt right for us, our people and clients.  

This transition opened new doors, leading Nik to partner with Mark McGregor in the operational technology (OT) sector, collaborating with significant industrial companies to drive digital transformation and innovation. This experience highlighted the challenges faced by OT-heavy companies and sparked the concept of CapitalAI. 

CapitalAI represents the thrilling next chapter in our data and OT/IIoT journey, now enriched with AI expertise. Our history in data-centric approaches, cybersecurity, and analytics naturally led us to AI. Joining us in this venture are two brilliant minds, Devan Stoltz and Mohanad Sarhan or as we like to call him “Dr Mo” as we aim to revolutionise Industry 4.0 by integrating AI into OT/IIoT environments.

Devan crossed paths with Nik and I at Intalock. During his time with us, Devan started another venture, focusing on data analytics and visualisation. The aim was to provide instant access to information through AI by allowing users to ask questions in a Google-like manner, generating real-time insights. 

During this time, we introduced Devan to the idea of operational technology. Recognising the legacy issues of OT and its lack of advanced analytics and insights, the convergence of the two ideas seemed ideal for solving the analytics gap within OT using new sensor technology paired with AI. Devan’s own experience in different manufacturing businesses highlighted the lack of data being captured or used effectively for better business outcomes. 

This is where the missing piece of our puzzle comes in – Mo. Joining the team at Intalock a few months after Devan, focused on technical delivery and managed services for industrial and non-industrial clients. 

Recognising the cyber security challenges facing OT security, he pursued a Ph.D. in AI and Machine Learning at the University of Queensland, focusing on enhancing cyberattack detection methods. His research and experimentation with AI models, particularly in network and operating system logs, achieved groundbreaking results, significantly surpassing traditional detection methods. Mo’s expertise in AI and Machine Learning truly sets him apart and aligns perfectly with the vision of CapitalAI. 

We are extremely excited about CapitalAI as we aim to bridge the gap between AI and Industry 4.0 within OT/IIoT environments. Our motivation stemmed from democratising AI’s potential benefits for organisations, irrespective of their scale or industry, enabling them to integrate AI to achieve desired business outcomes responsibly. 

At CapitalAI, we unite industry specialists, OT professionals, and AI experts. This diverse expertise forms the backbone of our strategy, enhancing our ability to guide clients comprehensively in AI adoption and digital transformation. Our culture, centred on customer-centricity and partnership, remains our ethos cornerstone, fostering enduring relationships with clients. 

The integration of AI into OT/IIoT environments presents an extraordinary opportunity to revolutionise industries across the board. AI’s incorporation into OT/IIoT ecosystems amplifies efficiency, accuracy, and predictive capabilities. By leveraging AI algorithms and machine learning within OT and IIoT systems, businesses can unlock new insights from data generated by various sensors, devices and systems.  

Looking ahead, our vision remains focused on fostering mutually beneficial relationships, aiding clients in evolving towards enhanced profitability, productivity, sustainability, and safety. Driven by a belief in ethical and responsible AI implementation, we are committed to being trusted partners in our clients’ journeys, as we have always been. 

We are incredibly excited to be taking on this new challenge and cannot wait to share what we have been working on. If you think your business might benefit from what CapitalAI has to offer, please do not hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, follow the new business page to keep up to date! 

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