
Seamlessly Assess, Integrate and Optimise Your Operational Technologies with CapitalAI

Integration and Transformation

Our platform has been specifically designed to assist organisations in evolving and enhancing their operational technology (OT) environments. This involves integrating new technologies into existing OT systems, optimising processes and transforming the way these organisations manage and utilise their operational technologies. The goal is to increase efficiency, improve reliability and safety, and ensure these systems can support current and future business objectives.

This professional service offering is targeted at organisations across various industries such as manufacturing, energy, utilities, transportation and more, where operational technology plays a critical role in daily operations. It aims to bridge the gap between current operational capabilities and future needs, enabling organisations to achieve higher levels of operational excellence, safety and resilience. Through strategic integration and transformation efforts, organisations can ensure their OT systems are not only more efficient and reliable but also capable of driving innovation and sustaining long-term growth.

Penetration Testing

An “Operational Technology (OT) Penetration Testing” professional service offering is tailored to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and strengthen the security posture of an organisation’s OT systems and networks. This service is crucial for industries reliant on operational technologies, such as manufacturing, energy, utilities, and critical infrastructure, where security breaches can lead to significant operational disruption, safety hazards and financial losses.

This professional service offering is designed to help organisations proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities in their OT environments before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By simulating real-world attack scenarios, organisations can gain valuable insights into their security posture, enabling them to make informed decisions to bolster their defences and ensure the safety, reliability, and continuity of their operational technologies.

Governance, Risk and Compliance

(Framework Development – IEC 62443, SOP Development, Risk Framework Development)

This offering would target organisations operating in sectors where OT is critical, such as manufacturing, energy, utilities, and transportation. It would aim to not only protect these organisations from the growing range of cyber and physical threats but also to enhance their operational efficiency and ensure they meet regulatory requirements.

The ultimate goal is to create a resilient OT environment that supports the organisation’s objectives while safeguarding against disruptions.

1. Overall Framework Development

OT Governance Strategy:
Assist in developing a governance framework that aligns OT objectives with the organisation’s overall business strategy, including policies for technology acquisition, use, and disposal.

Policy and Procedure Development:
Create or refine policies and procedures that govern the use and management of OT systems, ensuring they support compliance and risk management efforts.

Organisational Structure Advisory:
Advise on the optimal organisational structure to support OT governance, including roles, responsibilities, and reporting lines.

2. Risk Management

Risk Assessment:
Conduct comprehensive risk assessments of the OT environment to identify vulnerabilities, threats, and potential impacts on business operations.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:
Develop and implement strategies to mitigate identified risks, including technological solutions, process changes, and employee training programs.

Continuous Monitoring:
Implement ongoing monitoring mechanisms to detect emerging risks and ensure that risk mitigation measures remain effective over time.

3. Compliance Management

Regulatory Compliance:
Help organisations navigate the complex landscape of OT-related regulations and standards (e.g., NERC CIP, ISO 27001), ensuring compliance through appropriate controls and practices.

Audit and Assurance:
Prepare for and support internal and external audits of OT systems and processes, including pre-audit assessments and post-audit remediation.

Documentation and Reporting:
Develop and maintain comprehensive documentation of compliance efforts, including policies, procedures, risk assessments, and audit results.

4. Training and Awareness

Employee Training:
Design and deliver training programs to enhance employee awareness and understanding of OT governance, risk management, and compliance requirements.

Leadership Engagement:
Engage with organisational leaders to ensure they understand their roles in supporting OT governance, risk, and compliance efforts.

5. Incident Response Planning

Incident Response Planning:
Develop and implement an OT-specific incident response plan, including procedures for detection, response, recovery, and post-incident analysis.

Forensic Analysis Support:
Provide support for forensic analysis in the aftermath of an incident to determine the cause and scope of breaches or failures.

Recovery and Remediation:
Assist in the recovery from OT-related incidents and implement remediation actions to prevent future occurrences.

6. Technology and Process Integration

Integration with IT Systems:
Advise on the integration of OT systems with IT governance, risk management, and compliance frameworks to ensure a holistic approach to organisational cybersecurity.

Process Optimisation:
Evaluate and recommend improvements to operational processes to enhance efficiency, reliability, and compliance.

Service Breakdown

Physical and Virtual Site Audit


Environmental Audit

We conduct thorough assessments of the physical environments and network configurations of your industrial devices, providing you with a complete picture of the assets owned by a business, their location, condition and value.


Asset Discovery

Our systematic approach to cataloguing and evaluating all connected devices provides a clear understanding of their functions and potential vulnerabilities, ensuring every aspect of your ecosystem is accounted for.

Vulnerability Assessment


Cyber Risk Assessment

Probing the OT ecosystem to uncover vulnerabilities and threats, ensuring robust security measures are in place.

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