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How to connect your device?

NexAI provides a lot of device connectivity options. The diagram below is designed to provide a visual overview of existing options and help you to choose the correct option for your devices. In case you have not found out how to connect your device using the diagram or something is not clear, please contact us and help us to improve this guide.

Built-in transport protocols

The built-in transport protocol implementations are applicable for devices that communicate over those protocols and are able to connect directly to NexAI.

  • MQTT
  • MQTT Sparkplug
  • CoAP
  • HTTP
  • LwM2M
  • SNMP

Most of the protocols above support JSON, Protobuf or own data format. This is the best option for new devices when you have control over the firmware.


It is possible to integrate ChirpStack network server with NexAI.

NexAI supports ChirpStack and many other network servers via Integrations. For example: TheThingsStack, TheThingsIndustries, LORIOT, Actility ThingPark or any other network server that supports the webhooks or mqtt. Big advantage of NexAI integrations is the ability to define custom data converter functions.


NexAI supports Sigfox integration out-of-the-box.

NB IoT and other protocols

NexAI supports many Integrations that cover most of the devices on the market. Please contact us if you need help to connect your device.

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